Tag: javascript best practices
Why == and === Behave Differently in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers
The Purpose of Equality Operators in JavaScript Understanding Equality in JavaScript Equality operators in JavaScript are used to compare two values and determine whether they are considered equal. This is a fundamental concept in programming, as comparisons are often necessary to control the flow of logic, validate inputs, or check conditions. JavaScript provides two main…
How to Fix ‘undefined is not a function’ in JavaScript
Understanding the ‘undefined is not a function’ Error in JavaScript What Does ‘undefined is not a function’ Mean? The error message ‘undefined is not a function’ in JavaScript occurs when you attempt to call a value as if it were a function, but the value is actually undefined . In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects,…
Klasy w JavaScript? Serio, już czas przejść na funkcje
Klasy w JavaScript – czym są i dlaczego zostały wprowadzone? Czym są klasy w JavaScript? Klasy w JavaScript to specjalny rodzaj struktury, który został wprowadzony w ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) jako sposób na uproszczenie tworzenia obiektów i dziedziczenia. Klasy są w rzeczywistości syntaktycznym cukrem, który opakowuje istniejący mechanizm prototypów w JavaScript. Oznacza to, że pod spodem…
The Death of Classes in JavaScript: Why Functional Programming Is Taking Over
Introduction: The Evolution of JavaScript The Early Days of JavaScript JavaScript was introduced in 1995 by Brendan Eich as a lightweight scripting language for web browsers. Its primary purpose was to enable dynamic interactions on web pages, such as form validation and simple animations. In its infancy, JavaScript was a procedural language with limited capabilities,…