Technology Guides and Tutorials

Tag: nodejs

  • OpenAI ChatGPT OAuth plugin example in nodejs

    OpenAI ChatGPT OAuth plugin example in nodejs

    This is a simple guide to setting up a plugin for ChatGPT. First, you create a Node.js project and install necessary dependencies. Then, you host a JSON file for the plugin on your API domain. You also build an OpenAPI specification to document your API. For authentication, OAuth is used. The main code is a…

  • A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial on Working with Dates

    A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial on Working with Dates

    Introduction Dates are an important part of any application, and Node.js provides a number of ways to work with them. This tutorial will cover the basics of working with dates in Node.js, including how to read, modify, and handle dates. We’ll also look at some of the more advanced features of Node.js, such as working…

  • What’s the Difference Between Tilde(~) and Caret(^) in Package.json?

    What’s the Difference Between Tilde(~) and Caret(^) in Package.json?

    Understanding Tilde(~) and Caret(^) in Package.json Tilde(~) and caret(^) are two symbols used in package.json files to specify version ranges for packages. They are used to indicate which version of a package should be installed. It is important to understand the difference between the two symbols in order to ensure that the correct version of…

  • How to add full Internationalization support to NodeJS

    How to add full Internationalization support to NodeJS

    Node.js has many features that make it easier to write internationalized programs. These features are based on the ECMAScript Language Specification, the ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification (aka ECMA-402), the WHATWG URL parser’s internationalized domain names (IDNs) support, and the underlying V8 engine’s use of International Components for Unicode (ICU). If you do not have node.js…

  • How to Install NodeJS: A Comprehensive Guide

    How to Install NodeJS: A Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction NodeJS is a popular open-source, cross-platform, and server-side runtime environment that allows developers to build and run web applications using JavaScript. It’s lightweight and efficient, making it an excellent choice for building scalable and high-performance applications. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install NodeJS on your computer, so you can get started…

  • How to Create and Download Image from OpenAI API in NodeJS Command Line Script

    How to Create and Download Image from OpenAI API in NodeJS Command Line Script

    Learn how to use the OpenAI API to generate and download images from a NodeJS command line script with this step-by-step guide. Introduction: Artificial Intelligence is rapidly revolutionizing the world by offering new and innovative solutions to various problems. One such solution is the OpenAI API, which enables developers to create various applications and tools…

  • How to run Puppeteer on Ubuntu from shell

    How to run Puppeteer on Ubuntu from shell

    Learn how to use Puppeeter Nodejs on Ubuntu using the command line interface. Discover the benefits of using Puppeeter and how to set it up in a few simple steps.

  • How to Find Linked Modules in NPM Node

    How to Find Linked Modules in NPM Node

    As developers, we know how important it is to work with linked modules in NPM Node. However, it can be difficult to find these modules, especially when working on larger projects with numerous dependencies. In this article, we’ll cover the steps you need to take to find linked modules in NPM Node and make your…